Laravel News
Laravel Cloud, Laravel 12, and New Starter Kits!
Everything we know about Laravel 12, Expose v3, Laravel IDEA v10, and more! - №553
NativePHP for iOS, Fusion, Laravel 11.42, and more! - №552
Laravel 12 release date, New Laravel announcements, and more! - №551
Laracon EU is this week, Laravel 11.40 fluent date validation, and more! - №550
Tailwind CSS v4, Laravel 11.39, Laravel Faker OpenAI, and more! - №549
Laravel 11.38, The definitive Guide to Webhooks, DevDb v2, PeckPHP, and more! - №548
Laravel 11.37, Recurr, Streaming Responses, and more! - №547
Ghostly Terminal, toJson, Laravel 2024 recap, and more! №546
Log Alarm Package, replaceRecursive, takeWhile, and more! - №545
Help Shape the Future of Laravel News - Quick Survey
Laravel VS Code Extension, Laravel 11.36, Wirechat, and more! - №544
Aaron Francis: Laravel Solo, Courses, Screencasting, and more
Working With URIs in Laravel
Set Data on a Fluent Instance in Laravel 11.36
Using withoutWrapping to flatten API responses
Laravel VS Code Extension Public Beta
Inertia v2.0, Laravel Blade Fragements, Whisper PHP, and more! - №543
Announcing Inertia 2.0: Redefining Frontend Development for Laravel
Dynamic Page Updates with Laravel Blade Fragments
🎉 Laravel 11.35 is out
Securing Laravel Sessions with ID Regeneration
Whisper.php - Automatic speech recognition and transcription
Correction: HydePHP, Laravel transform() Method, Lazzy Collections, PIE, and more! - №542
HydePHP, Laravel transform() Method, Lazzy Collections, PIE, and more! - №542
Streamlining Route Parameters in Laravel Using URL Defaults
Dynamic Form Validation in Laravel with prohibited_if
Enhancing Data Processing with Laravel's transform() Method
Handling Geospatial Data with Laravel Magellan
Mastering Dynamic String Manipulation with Laravel's Str::replaceArray()
⚡️ Laravel 11.34, Job Throttling, PIE (PHP Installer for Extensions), and more! - №541
Managing API Rate Limits in Laravel Through Job Throttling
Efficient Large Dataset Handling in Laravel Using streamJson()
Optimizing Route Permissions with Laravel's Enhanced Enum Support
Laravel Black Friday Deals
PHP 8.4 is released, Dynamic Mailer Configuration, and more! - №540
Dynamic Mailer Configuration in Laravel with Mail::build
PHP 8.4 is released with Property Hooks, Class Instantiation without extra parenthesis, and more
Asymmetric Property Visibility in PHP 8.4
Access Laravel Pulse Data as a JSON API
Laravel Forge adds Statamic Integration
Laravel 11.31, PHPxWorld, PhpStorm 2024.3, PHPStan 2.0, and more! №539
PHPxWorld - The resurgence of PHP meet-ups with Chris Morrell
Hide and safeguard emails from bots with the Muddle Laravel package
Dynamic Cache, Database, and Mail Builders in Laravel 11.31
PHPStan 2.0 is Here
Securing Laravel Applications with Stephen Rees-Carter
Laravel Nightwatch, Lazy JSON Pages, Laravel Solr, and more! - №538
Build your slide deck in Laravel with Simple Slides
Laravel Nightwatch
Lazy JSON Pages is a JSON API Scraper for PHP
A Guide to Pagination in Laravel
Laravel 11.30 with defer testing helpers, Laravel Herd adds MongoDB support, and more! - №537
Laravel Roundup - November
Laravel 11.30 Released
Bluesky notification channel for Laravel
Sprout Multitenancy Package for Laravel
Creating a CLI Application With Laravel and Docker
Pest v3.5, Translation Checker, Pan Analytics Viewer, and more! - №536
How to Create Tech Videos for YouTube with Josh Cirre
Blasp is a Profanity Filter Package for Laravel
Nested Describe Blocks Are Now Available in Pest v3.5
A Zero-dependency SVG Chart Library for PHP
Pan Analytics Viewer
Laracon AU with Michael Dyrynda
Laravel 11.28 with a composer run dev command, Pan, Laravel Queue Cancel Batch, and more! - №535
Cancel a Specific Batch of Queued Jobs With This Laravel Package
Always Render API Exceptions as JSON in Laravel
Laravel 11.28 Adds a Composer Dev Command
API Platform for Laravel
Pan - A simple, lightweight, and privacy-focused product analytics php package
Inertia.js v2 beta, WireSpy, Laravel Idea, and more! - №534
The Inertia.js v2 Beta is Here
Now you can install PHP and the Laravel installer with a single command
Supercharge PhpStorm with Laravel Idea
Join the Open Source Pledge
Composer Package Executor (CPX) - bring NPX to Composer
Inertia 2.0 beta, Laravel 11.26, Laravel MongoDB 5.0, and more! - №533
The Inertia 2.0 Beta is Coming Soon
Statamic, Radical Design, and more with Jack McDade
Laravel 11.26 Released
Laravel MongoDB releases version 5.0
LangCountry launches v4
Laravel 11.24, PHP 8.4 RC1, Laravel Sessions, and more! - №532
PHP and LLMs with Alfred Nutile
Laravel Config Checker Package
Laravel 11.24 Released
A Deep Dive into Sessions in Laravel
Serverless Search using Laravel and the Typesense Cloud
Laravel 11.23, Pest v3, Laravel Herd, and more! №531
MySql Explain with Tobias Petry
Fetch PHP is a Lightweight HTTP Library Inspired by JavaScript's fetch()
Validate Console Command Input With the Command Validator Package
TemPHPest PHP Extension for VSCode
Eloquent Filtering Package
Laravel 11.23, Pest v3, Laravel Herd, and more! - №530
Ben Holmen: Building Connections and Friendships through Pair Programming with Strangers
Chaperone, Defer, Cache::flexible, and more are now available in Laravel 11.23
UnoPim is a Product Information Management System Built With Laravel
Pest 3 is released!
Build Your Multi-Tenant SaaS App in Days with SaaSykit Tenancy
Laravel 11.22, Laravel Funding, Pinkary goes open source, and more! - №529
Prepare your Laravel app for the cloud
Laravel raises a $57 million Series A from Accel
Laravel raises a $57 million Series A from Accel!
Chaperone Eloquent Models in Laravel 11.22
Generate Entity-Relationship Diagrams with Laravel
Laracon, Building a PHP Package, and more! - №528
Andrew Schmelyun: Publishing Video Courses, Virtual and Physical Worlds, LLM's
Introducing Laravel Cloud
Highlights from Taylor Otwell's Laracon US Keynote 2024
Laracon US 2024 Live from Dallas
How to Build Your First PHP Package
🧢 LN Hats, Laravel 11.21, Laravel Model Tips, and more! - №527
LCS #5 - Patricio: Mingle JS, PHP WASM, VoxPop
Laravel Model Tips
Asset Prefetching Strategies with Vite in Laravel 11.21
Laravel SEO made easy with the Honeystone package
Some of the announcements coming to Laracon US
Remove Duplicate Characters in Strings, Abuse IP package, Git Hooks Made Easy, and more! - №526
Git Hooks Made Easy: How Whisky Helps Developers with Len Woodward
Automated API documentation generation for Laravel with static code analysis using Scramble
Block Known Spam IPs from Your Laravel App with the Abuse IP Package
Remove Duplicate Characters in Strings With Laravel
Laravel Log Files Support in PhpStorm
Laravel v11.20, Laravel Workflows Package, Filament Gaze, and more! - №525
Building Desktop Applications using Native PHP with Simon Hamp
Filament Gaze: Show When Multiple Users View the Same Resource
A New String Helper, Assert Enums in AssertableJson, and more in Laravel 11.20
Use Laravel's Built-in SetUp Hooks for Application Test Traits
Active Sessions Card for Laravel Pulse
Laravel v11.19, Building SSH Apps, Maska, and more! - №524
Maska is a Simple Zero-dependency Input Mask Library
Add Swagger UI to Your Laravel Application
Assert the Exact JSON Structure of a Response in Laravel 11.19
Build SSH Apps with PHP and Laravel Prompts
Laravel and Typesense, Built with Laravel, Laravel Survey, and more! - №523
Building fast, fuzzy site search with Laravel and Typesense
Add Comments to your Laravel Application with the Commenter Package
Laravel Advanced String Package
Upload Files Using Filepond in Livewire Components
The Best Laravel Tutorials and Resources for Developers
Introducing Built with Laravel
A guide to Laravel Model Events, API Versioning in Laravel 11, and more! №522
VS Code Snippets for Livewire and Alpine.js
A guide to Laravel's model events
API Versioning in Laravel 11
A Resize Plugin for Alpine.js
How to Migrate MySQL from DBngin to Laravel Herd
🐘 PHP 8.4 Alpha 1, Laravel v11.15, and more! - №521
Learn to master Query Scopes in Laravel
How to Redirect Uppercase URLs to Lowercase with Laravel Middleware
PHP 8.4 Alpha 1 is now out!
Manage Roles and Permissions in Filament with Hex Lite
Laravel Rest Api now supports Laravel Scout
Laravel v11.14, Auth Screens for Your Laravel Apps, and more! - №520
Laravel Error Solutions on the Default Exception Page
Build Custom Admin Panels With Backpack for Laravel
New String Helpers and ServeCommand Improvements in Laravel 11.14
Auth Screens for Your Laravel Apps
Adding Real Time Chat to Laravel Using Reverb & Vue
Laravel v11.12, Inertia Table, Laravel Cart Package, and more! - №519
Build Tables Based on Eloquent Models with Inertia Table
Behind the Code: A Discussion with Backend Experts including Taylor Otwell
Artisan `make` Commands Automatically Chop `.php` Extension in Laravel 11.12
The June 2024 Laravel Worldwide Meetup is Today
A Lightweight Cart Package for Laravel
Laravel v11.11, SQLite Studio, ways to filter, skip, and target tests in PHP, and more! - №518
SQLite Studio is a SQLite Database Explorer
Running a Single Test, Skipping Tests, and Other Tips and Tricks
View Third-party Relations in model:show - Now Available in Laravel 11.11
Asserting a JSON Response Structure in Laravel
Backpack turns 8 years old, celebrates with 40% discount
Sentry and Laravel announce a new partnership, PHP 8.4 adds a createFromTimestamp function, and more! - №517
Create a DateTime from a Timestamp With this New Method Coming to PHP 8.4
Neovim Plugin to for Navigating Laravel and Livewire Components
Laravel Herd v1.7 is out with updates to the dump UI
Sentry and Laravel announce a new partnership
"Fast Projects" by Larafast: Real life, ready to use Laravel based Boilerplates
Laravel 11.10, a guide to Laravel Validation, and more! - №516
Manage Events, Feature Flags, and More with PostHog for Laravel
Randomize Command Execution Time with the Chaotic Schedule Package for Laravel
Use a Closure with updateOrInsert() in Laravel 11.10
Using Eloquent Factories With PHPUnit Data Providers
The ultimate guide to Laravel Validation
Laravel 11.9, DB Auditor, Eloquent JoinWith, and more! - №515
Eloquent JoinWith Package for Laravel
New Video Series: The Laravel Ecosystem
New Alpine.js Sort plugin, Laravel 11.5, and more - №510
DirectoryTree Authorization is a Native Role and Permission Management Package for Laravel
Sort Elements with the Alpine.js Sort Plugin
Anonymous Event Broadcasting in Laravel 11.5
Microsoft Clarity Integration for Laravel
Apply Dynamic Filters to Eloquent Models with the Filterable Package
PHP Property Hooks, Laravel 11.4, Basset, and more! - №509
Property Hooks Get Closer to Becoming a Reality in PHP 8.4
Asserting Exceptions in Laravel Tests
Reversible Form Prompts and a New Exceptions Facade in Laravel 11.4
Integrate Laravel with Stripe Connect Using This Package
The Random package generates cryptographically secure random values
Multi Line text in Laravel Prompts, Bartender Package, PhpStorm, and more! - №508
Automatic Blade Formatting on Save in PhpStorm
PhpStorm 2024.1 Is Released With a Integrated Terminal, Local AI Code Completion, and More
Laravel Prompts Adds a Multi-line Textarea Input, Laravel 11.3 Released
Bartender Is an Opinionated Way to Authenticate Users Using Laravel Socialite
Jeffrey Way's PhpStorm Setup in 2024
Laravel adds a new fluent helper, creating your own helpers, and more! - №507
Easily Optimize PDFs in Laravel with the Optimizer Package
Create Preview Deployments on Forge with Laravel Harbor
Use the New Fluent Helper to Work With Multi-dimensional Arrays in Laravel 11.2
Event sourcing in Laravel with the Verbs package
Creating Your Own PHP Helpers in a Laravel Project
Laravel Herd for Windows, Laravel 11.1, and more! - №506
Fast Server-Side Code Highlighting with Tempest
Generate Code Coverage in Laravel With PCOV
Non-backed Enums in Database Queries and a withSchedule() bootstrap method in Laravel 11.1
Laravel Herd for Windows is now released!
Cache Routes with Cloudflare in Laravel
Laravel Context, Learn to manage timezones, Query Enrich, and more! №505
Learn how to manage timezones in your Laravel Apps
Introducing the Context Facade in Laravel
Easily create complex database queries with the Query Enrich Package
Tablar Kit: UI Components for Tablar Admin Dashboards
Launch your Startup Fast with LaraFast
Laravel 11, Laravel Herd, Config Files, and more - №504
Embed Livewire Components on Any Website
Statamic announces next Flat Camp retreat (EU edition)
Resources for Getting Up To Speed with Laravel 11
Laravel 11 is now released!
🔥 Laravel 11 is released!
How to Detect n+1 Queries in PHP
🎉 Laravel 11 will be released Tuesday! №504
Integrate Cloudflare Turnstile into Laravel and Livewire
Tailwind has Open-sourced the V4 Alpha
Query Builder whereAll() and whereAny() Methods Added to Laravel 10.47
The Evolution of the Laravel Welcome Page
VS Code Extension for API Insights
Laravel v10.46, October CMS v3.6, Lawman package, and more - №503
Add Architecture Tests to Saloon API Integrations with Lawman
Protect Routes with JWT Tokens Using This Package for Laravel
Dive into the Streamlined Directory Structure in Laravel 11
Eager Load Limit is Coming to Laravel 11
Laravel v10.42, Laravel Live UK, Filament bulk uploads, and more! - №498
Create Dynamic Discounts with Custom Conditions on Laravel With the Discountify Package
Download Over 1,500 Google Fonts in Your Laravel Project
Laravel 10.42 - Global Defaults for the HTTP Client, a Max Validation Rule for Passwords, and More
Write Tabular Assertions with Pest and PHPUnit
Handling Bulk Imports in Filament
Laravel v10.41, DevDb for VS Code, Apex Charts for Filament, and more! - №497
Create Beautiful Charts in Filament With the Apex Charts Plugin
Laravel Scout Adds Typesense, A Lightening-fast Open-source Search
Laravel 10.41 - Conditional Job Chains, a Number::spell() Threshold, Configurable model:prune Path, and More
Save the date: Laracon US is coming to Dallas TX Aug 27-28, 2024
Laracon EU Amsterdam 2024
Laravel v10.40, New APA string helper, and more! - №496
Laravel Live Denmark: A Two-Day Event in Copenhagen, Denmark on August 22-23, 2024
Use this Filament starter template on your next TALL project
Laravel 10.40 - With a Number Clamp Method, an APA-Style Helper, Vite Asset Path Customization, and More
Bagisto Announces a New Open-Source Mobile App for Merchants
Time Tracking: Why It's Essential for Devs and How Timing Can Help
Laravel shouldBeStrict, Sublime Text Setup, Filament Slugs, and more! №495
Alpine adds a new build to work with Content Security Policies
Use Model shouldBeStrict when starting a new Laravel app
Flystorage is a Filesystem Equivalent Package for Node.js
My Sublime Text Setup in 2024 for Web Development
Generating slugs from a title in Filament
Happy New Year from Laravel News! №494
Laravel News 2023 Recap
Laravel 10.39 with a round-robin mailer, dynamic max tries on queued jobs, and more
Octane Now Supports FrankenPHP Linux ARM Builds
90 Laravel Tutorials, Packages, and Resources from 2023
Laravel Blade session directive, Filament v3.1, Processing large CSV files, Tailwind v3.4, and more! - №493
New Major Versions of Spatie Image and Laravel Media Library Released
How to process large CSV files with Laravel
Laravel 10.38 Released with a new Blade @session directive
TailwindCSS now with dynamic viewport units, :has() support, balanced headlines, subgrid, and more!
Filament v3.1 is released
Laravel 10.37, Laravel Pulse database cards, Pay Pocket, and more! - №492
Database Status Card for Laravel Pulse
Share Data Between PHP and JavaScript with PHP2JS
Laravel 10.37 Released
Manage Virtual Wallets in Laravel with Pay Pocket
Get insights into all your Laravel notifications with Paragraphs new package
💓 Laravel Pulse, Number Abbreviation Helper, FrankenPHP, and more! №491
FrankenPHP v1.0 is Here
Self-healing URLs in Laravel
Laravel 10.35 Released
Show Outdated Composer Dependencies in Laravel Pulse
Announcing Laravel Pulse - A New Performance Monitoring Tool for Laravel Apps
Laravel v10.34, Tailwind Merge, TallStackUI, and more! №490
Use Ollama LLM Models Locally with Laravel
TallStackUI - a new component library for TALL Stack apps
Laravel 10.34 Released
Laravel Tailwind Merge
A Feature Flags Implementation for Filament
PHP 8.3, Laravel 10.33, Laravel Cyber Deals, and more! - №489
Write API Integrations and SDKs in an Elegant Way
Laravel 10.33 Released
Wirebox: Your Livewire Playground Awaits
Laravel Black Friday Deals!
Introducing the Laravel Number Utility Class
💓 Laravel Pulse, Stress testing with Pest, and more! - №488
Brevo Webhook Manager CLI for Laravel
Stress testing with Pest with the new Stressless plugin
Laravel 10.32 Released
Solve n+1 queries in PHP with Scout
Laravel Horizon Prometheus Exporter
Laravel 10.31, Laravel Pail, MongoDB Laravel, Laravel Htmx, and more! - №487
MongoDB Laravel Integration Now Officially Supported
The Ultimate "git nah" Alias
Laravel Pail - The easiest way to tail your log files
Laravel Forums Package: Waterhole
Laravel Htmx
Laravel 10.30, Tinkerwell v4, BookStack, XML Wrangler, and more! - №486
Easily Read and Write XML in PHP
Tinkerwell v4 is now released
BookStack is a simple and free Wiki software Written in Laravel
Register now for Sentry Launch Week!
Mailcoach now includes split testing, MJML, Livewire 3 support, and much more
Laravel 10.29, Livewire Screencasts, history of dd, and more! - №485
Nginx Configuration for old Forge servers
Artisan.Page now supports all first-party Laravel packages
Aimeos 2023.10 LTS release
Svelte by Example
JetBrains now maintains the Pest plugin for PhpStorm
Laravel Splade, Building a Sitemap, Laravel Easy Metrics, and more! - №484
DevDojo Static - NodeJS Site Generator
Tailwind CSS: It looks awful, and it works
Conditionally Assert Throwing An Exception in Pest
Write Single Page Applications using Laravel Splade
Building a Sitemap in your Laravel app with the Spatie Sitemap
Laravel Breeze with Volt Functional API, Bolt SQL, Tomato PHP, and more! - №483
How to remove all extra spaces in a string with Laravel
How to add a confirmation dialog with Livewire
Bolt SQL - Fast and beautiful database client
Laravel Breeze with Volt Functional API
Securing Laravel APIs using DreamFactory
Laravel 10.26, GitHub Contributions Generator, and more! - №482
Desktop and Mobile User Agent Parser
Configure and Display a Schedule of Opening Hours in PHP
Laravel 10.26 Released
😍 The new Laravel News website! - №481
User Monitoring Package for Laravel
Form Request Tester Package for Laravel
Remove "final" keywords from classes and methods in vendor packages with Unfinalize
Laracon EU tickets are now on sale
Laravel Bootcamp now has a Livewire track
Laravel 10.24, Laravel Pail, and more! - №480
Manage a User's Browser Sessions in Laravel
Pail is an experimental package to tail logs
Laravel is looking to hire for video and educational content
Laravel Date Filtering Package for Eloquent
Scout APM: Intuitive Laravel Performance Monitoring
Laravel 10.23, Laravel Ecommerce, Laracon AU, and more! - №479
Git Delta is a Syntax Highlighting Pager for git, diff, and grep output
Tablar: A Laravel Dashboard Preset
Laravel 10.23 Released
Laravel Ecommerce with Lunar PHP
Laravel 10.22, Laravel Rest Api, and more! - №478
Generate Apis with ease with Laravel Rest Api
Create Tables for Your Models with Livewire Tables
Laravel Collective HTML package is abandoned
Run GitHub Actions Locally with Act
Pest Driven Laravel Course is now on Laracasts
Laravel 10.12, Laravel Lift, MJML to HTML, Sharp for Laravel, and more! - №477
Laravel API Toolkit
MJML to HTML using PHP
Boost your Eloquent Models with Laravel Lift
Generate Saloon SDKs from Postman or OpenAPI
Laracon EU 2024 - Save the date!
Laravel createOrFirst, Livewire v3, Jetstream v4, Herd v1.2.0, and more! - №476
Mary UI: Laravel Blade Components for Livewire 3
Installing Xdebug with Laravel Herd
firstOrCreate() vs createOrFirst()
Laravel Herd v1.2.0 includes an App Creation Wizard, Tinkerwell integration, and more
AI-powered Tools for Developers - From Code to Completion
Laravel 10.19, Folio now with named routes, SpladePanel, and more! - №475
SpladePanel - Create Dashboards using Laravel Splade and Jetstream
Laravel Forge Introduces Zero Downtime Deployments with Envoyer Integration
Laravel 10.19 Released
Laravel Volt / Folio Beta 5 is out, now with named routes
Debugging Gateway Errors
Genesis starter kit, Laravel Sushi, Scramble, and more! - №474
PHP max() function
Convert Numbers to Words in Laravel with SpellNumber
Generate API Documentation for Laravel with Scramble
Take part in the State of Laravel Survey 2023
Laravel Sushi gets a new landing page
How to Increase PHP Memory Limits
Laravel Prompts, Filament v3, Laravel Sushi and more! - №473
PhpStorm now has built-in support for Laravel Pint
Livewire Volt Has A New Class-based API
Laravel Prompts is Now Available in Laravel 10.17
Filament v3 just launched
NativePHP Tutorial: Building a Mac MenuBar application
Pines: An Alpine and Tailwind UI Library
Laravel 10.14 Released
Generate Code in Laravel with Synth
Marketing as Code: Laravel Screenshot Automation
Livewire v3, Laravel Tailwind Merge, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, and more! - №467
🔥 Download the Response of an HTTP Request in Laravel
JetBrains announced a bundle for Laravel developers: PhpStorm + Laravel Idea plugin
Diving into Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
Laravel Tailwind Merge
Lemon Squeezy for Laravel 1.0 is Here
Define casts in a query, working with third party services, resend email package, and more! - №466
Restore Database Backups in Laravel
Resend Email Package for Laravel and PHP
Working with third party services in laravel
🔥 Define Casts in a Query
Lifecycle hooks in Laravel - How to build them, and why you'd want to
Hooks for Alpine.js, Punchcard, Strictus, Bellows, and more! - №465
Punchcard: Object Configs for Laravel
Bellows: Supercharge your Laravel Forge account
Hooks for Alpine.js
Add Strict Typing to Inline Variables in PHP With Strictus
TelemetryHub is Easier to Set Up Than Stripe
Laravel 10.13, Laravel Server Monitor, Uploadcare Filesystem Adapter for Laravel, and more! - №463
Laravel 10.12, Laravel Precognition, FakerPHP Stripe Provider, and more! - №463
FakerPHP Stripe Provider
Laravel 10.12 Released
Laravel Precognition Updates are Here
Use 1Password to Authenticate with Forge and Vapor Securely
Observability vs monitoring
Laravel 10.11, Octane v2, Laravel Security Middleware, and more! - №462
Feature Tests powered by database seeders
Laravel Octane Adds Support for Roadrunner v3
Laravel 10.11 Released
Laravel Security Middleware
APM vs. Application Performance Observability - What’s the Difference
Laravel 10.10, Statamic 4, Recurring Models package, and more! - №461
Brainstorm Tests With PEST Todos 🔥
Write Shell Scripts like Blade Components With Task Runner
How Sentry Can Improve Your Laravel Application
Create Repeatable Models with Laravel Recurring Models
Laravel Artisan Raycast Extension
😬 RESEND: Minicli, LdapRecord, Lemon Squeezy for Laravel, and more! - №460
Minicli, LdapRecord, Lemon Squeezy for Laravel, and more! - №460
PostgreSQL Full Text Search for Laravel Scout
Lemon Squeezy for Laravel
Small but powerful CLI apps with Minicli
LDAP Framework for PHP
Use ChatGTP to ask a question to the Laravel Docs
Top 10 Laravel Audit Security Issues, Laravel 10.9, and more! - №459
Send Toast Notifications in Your Livewire Application with Toaster
Using attributes to add value
Laravel 10.9 Released
Going past Actions in Laravel
Laravel Vapor application observability with Inspector
Laravel 10.8, Laracon AU, Telescope Guzzle Watcher, and more! - №458
Generate String Acronyms with this Laravel Macro
Laravel Telescope Guzzle Watcher
Laravel 10.8 Released
Laravel Validate Package With Over 35 Pre-built Rules
Create Beautiful Admin Panels in Laravel
Laravel 10.7, Eloquent Date Scopes, Lunar Headless E-Commerce, and more! - №457
Supercharge your Laravel Forge account with Bellows
Lunar Headless E-Commerce for Laravel
Convert HEIC Images to JPEG in PHP
Laravel 10.7 Released
Useful Laravel Date Scopes for Eloquent Models
The Best Practices Guide to OpenTelemetry for Developers
Pest Expectations plugin, Form Requests, testing, and more! - №456
Let's talk about Form Requests
Laravel Expectations Plugin for Pest
PlanetScale Database Migrations for Laravel
Validated DTO Package for Laravel
Everything You Can Test in Your Laravel Application
Laravel 10.5, Pest Architecture Plugin, Static Analysis for Blade, and more! - №455
Laravel 10.5 Released
Replace Raw Query Calls With Laravel Query Expressions
Pest Architecture Plugin
Extending PHP 8.1 enums with attributes
How to choose between APM and an end-to-end monitoring tool
Laravel 10.4, Pest 2, Passwordless Authentication, and more! - №454
Modelling Busines Processes in Laravel
TypeScript Support Added to Laravel Breeze
Laravel 10.4 Released
MySQL for Developers Course is Live
PEST 2.0 is Now Released
Valet 4, Pest 2, Laravel HTTP Client, and more! - №453
Livestream: Building your first Laravel Application
5 Tips and Tricks for working with the Laravel HTTP Client
Building a Kanban Board with Laravel and Vue.Draggable
Run One Time Operations After Deployment With Laravel
Laravel Response Classes
The future of Pest v2
Tighten Duster, FilePond, Laravel Pipelines, and more! - №452
Livestream: Playing with Laravel Pipelines
Uploading Files in Laravel Using FilePond
Lint and Fix Your Laravel Code with Duster
A Laravel Package to Protect Routes With a PIN Code
A PHP SDK for the Dolby API
Flaky for Laravel
Sharing PHPCS Rules, Chartello, Model Filter Package, and more! - №451
Laravel Notification Log
Sharing PHPCS Rules Across Projects and Teams
Filter and Search Eloquent Models with the Model Filter Package
Visualize Laravel App Data with Chartello
Using Takeout with local Valet and Docker sites
Laravel 10.1, Saloon 2, Banhammer, and more! - №450
Ban Users and IPs in Your Laravel App With Banhammer
Laravel CI with GitHub Action
Laravel 10.1 Released
Saloon 2 is Here
Laravel real-time Code Execution Monitoring
Laravel 10, Laravel Live UK, PHPInsights, Laravel Artisan Cheatsheet, Padlock, and more! №449
Managing Routes in a large Laravel application
Getting started with PHPInsights
Laravel Artisan Cheatsheet Supports Laravel 10
Laravel 10 is now released!
Laravel 10 is released!
Use Inertia.js like a boss
Laravel 10 features, Laravel Pennant, and more - №448
Laravel Pennant
Export Eloquent Models to JSON Files
Laravel 9.51 Released
Process Facade Coming to Laravel 10
TelemetryHub - The Swiss Army Knife For Full Stack Monitoring
Laravel 9.49, Impersonating Users, Building APIs, and more - №447
Learn how to impersonate users in your Laravel app
Google reCaptcha Enterprise Package for Laravel
Laravel 9.49 Released
Building APIs in Laravel
Testmo Review: Unified Test Management
Using PHP Codesniffer With Laravel, Reducing code duplication, and more - №446
Statamic announces a new Flat Camp retreat
Simple Ad, Banner, and Callouts Manager for Laravel
Monitor CPU and Memory in Laravel Apps with Stethoscope
Run Multiple Sail Apps Locally With Fleet
Using PHP Codesniffer With Laravel
Laravel Vapor application observability with Inspector
Now with corrected Links: Laravel 9.48, Inertia v1.0, Jetstream and more - №445
Laravel 9.48, Inertia v1.0, Jetstream, and more - №445
Leaning on the container
How to Improve Your Laravel Application's Security Using a CSP
Jetstream and Breeze Updated to Inertia v1.0 + Dark Mode for Jetstream
Laravel Deleted Models Package
Inertia v1.0 is Here
Laravel 9.47 Released, OpnForm, Effective Eloquent, and more - №444
Automatic Docblock Generation on Facades
Configuring Laravel Pint
Laravel 9.47 Released
Inspect and Develop Mail Templates with Laravel Mailbook
Laravel 10 Bug Hunt
Laracon's, OpenAi, and more! - №443
Using OpenAI in Laravel
Laravel Breeze now with dark mode
Laravel Certification Program is no longer official
Spin up your development background processes with ease
Laracon US 2023
Laravel New top 10 posts of 2022 - №442
A practical guide to search Eloquent relationships using Laravel Scout Database Driver
Laravel News top 10 posts of 2022
How we automatically share new content on social media
OpenAI for Laravel
🎄Laravel 9.45 Released, OpnForm, Effective Eloquent, and more - №441
A quick guide on why you should use Laravel Octane to scale your app
Laravel 9.45 Released
OpnForm is an Open-source Form Builder Made With Laravel
Effective Eloquent
Make an impact on the Developer Ecosystem
Laravel Holiday Giveaway, What's new in Laravel 10, and more - №440
Laravel 9.44 is released with native support for changing database columns and more
Steve vs Matt — How two developers approach the same problem
A Look at What's Coming to Laravel 10
Supercharging Your Artisan Commands With Termwind
Singlestore for Laravel
PHP 8.2 is now released, PhpStorm adds a new UI, Laravel 9.43, and more - №439
Eloquent API Calls
PhpStorm 2022.3 is released with a new UI, PHP 8.2 support, and more
Laravel 9.43 Released
Neovim as a PHP and JavaScript IDE
Laravel real-time Code Execution Monitoring
Laravel 9.42 comes with new singleton route resources, conditional report helpers, and more - №438
Using DTOs to keep context
New Static Constructors Added for Fluent Validation Rules
Laravel 9.42 comes with new singleton route resources, conditional report helpers, and more
Modern PHP features explained, Laravel 9.37, OpenAI PHP Client, and more - №433
Laravel Model Flags Package
Modern PHP features explained - PHP 8.0 and 8.1
Laravel 9.37 Released
OpenAI PHP Client
Unlock The Power Of TDD
Laravel Blade component performance improvements, learn how to upload files in Laravel, and more - №432
Automating your OpenAPI Documentation
Sanitize and Format Data in PHP with the Transformer Package
Laravel 9.36 Released
Require Signatures and Associate Them With Eloquent Models
Learn how to upload files in Laravel like a Pro
Laravel adds a new alternate mailable syntax, a new Eloquent "strict mode" feature, and more - №431
Filament Markdown Editor
Diving into Notifications
Laravel 9.35 Released
Getting Started With Parallel Testing and Code Coverage in Laravel
How to save thousands of dollars in cloud costs with Code Execution Monitoring
LaraJobs Consultants, Building a slide-over panel with Livewire, and more - №430
Dynamically Create and Destroy Servers with this Laravel Package
Announcing LaraJobs Consultants
Laravel 9.34 Released
User Notifications in Livewire with Megaphone
Faster Laravel: Surprising Optimization Tips
Get file and line output from the dd() helper, a new benchmarking helper, and more - №429
Benchmark Code With Laravel's Newest helper
Using Scout APM to Monitor a Laravel Application
Laravel 9.14, validate your app config, and more - №411
Restructuring a Laravel Controller using Services, Events, Jobs, Actions, and more
Kinetic: A view-composer package for Inertia.js
Laravel 9.14 Released
Test form requests in Laravel with Request Factories by Worksome
How to Validate Your Laravel App's Config
Laravel 9.13, Bouncer v1, Tinkerwell v3, and Examples of N+1 Query Problems - №410
Laravel 9.13 Released
Releasing Bouncer: Roles and Permissions for Laravel apps
Tinkerwell 3 - The PHP code runner is released
A Simple Wallet Implementation for Laravel
Laravel Dusk Browser Testing: Best Practices & Tips
Laravel 9.12 Released, Laravel Log Fake 2.0, Fluent Validation Rules With Laravel Hyrule - №409
Laravel Roles and Permissions: Gates and Policies Explained
Laravel Log Fake 2.0
Laravel 9.12 Released
Fluent Validation Rules With Laravel Hyrule
Using Scout APM to Monitor a Laravel Application
Laravel 9.11, Aloia CMS, Nova Log Viewer, and more - №408
Laravel Jetstream: Add CRUD with Spatie Permission
How to get a Websites Favicons in Laravel
Laravel 9.11 Released
Nova Log Viewer Package
How Code Execution Monitoring can help you to identify bugs and bottlenecks in your application before your customers do
Livewire or Inertia.js, Laravel 9.10 Released, and more - №407
Livewire or Inertia.js?
Laravel 9.10 Released
Generate Documents in PHP With an Excel Template
Handle SEO for Your Models With this Laravel Package
SPOTCon 2022 by Scout APM - Speaker List Announced!
Laravel 9.9 Released, Service Providers, and more - №406
Service Providers in Laravel: What They Are and How to Use Them
Manage Application Redirects with the Laravel Redirection Package
Laravel 9.9 Released
Laravel Rocket Chat Notifications
SPOTCon 2022 by Scout APM - Speaker List Announced!
Laravel 9.8 Released, Learn how to start Testing, BaseCode, and more - №405
Learn how to start Testing in Laravel with Simple Examples using PHPUnit and PEST
BaseCode: A Field Guide to Writing More Readable Code
Laravel 9.8 Released
Add Likes, Bookmarks, Favorites, and Other Marks in your Application With Laravel Markable
How to monitor your Laravel application by services (not by hostnames)
14 Laravel Livewire Tips & Tricks, Laravel 9.7 Released, and more - №404
Laravel Livewire: 14 Tips & Tricks
Style Guide Generator for Tailwind CSS
Laravel 9.7 Released
Laravel DynamoDB Eloquent Models and Query Builder
Automated Localization of Laravel Projects with Localazy and GitHub Actions
Laravel Valet v3, Laravel Facebook Graph API, and more - №403
Laravel Facebook Graph API
Filament Tables TALL Stack Component
Laracon Recap - №471
Jul 23, 2023